Follow these instructions to create a driver profile for your fleet. Once created, all driver information may be updated in Driver management module.


  1. Sign into your Fleetly Dashboard at
  2. Go to Admin module 
  3. Click on Driver management
  4. Click on Add
  5. Once the page opens with Add Driver form, enter all mandatory fields in Add Driver form, and click on Save button. Driver should be added successfully.
  6. Each Driver Username is unique, if you get an error, please try a different username


Note 1: To create Driver, It’s not mandatory to enable Requires Login toggle button.

Note 2: Driver role can be creating in different ways

  • Admin > Driver management > Add Driver
  • Admin > Device management > Select Device > Edit > Add Driver


Updating Driver Information

Once a driver's account has been created, the driver's profile information can be edited using the Action s >Edit button next to a driver's account name. 

Import and Update Drivers in Bulk

When you start running your fleet with Fleetly, we make it easy to set up lots of new driver accounts all at once.

Here are a few things to remember:

You cannot create or update more than 50 records at a time

You can download all of your records at once

The same usernames and drivers' licenses cannot be used for multiple driver accounts

Import Driver Data

Open the Fleetly Admin panel and navigate to Driver Management and click on Import Drivers.

Click on Download Sample CSV File.

The following columns are available for all customers and are subject to the following rules:

  • Name
  • FirstName
  • LastName
  • PhoneNumber
  • LicenseNumber
  • AuthorityIssuedBy
  • HouseNoName
  • AddressLine1
  • AddressLine2
  • AddressLine3
  • Postcode
  • ActivityDays
  • WorkScheduledays
  • StatusID
  • StartTime
  • EndTime
  • Email
  • LoginFlag

Upload Driver Data

Follow below mentioned instructions to Upload the driver data

Step 1:

Open the Fleetly Admin panel and navigate to Driver Management and click on Import Drivers

To use one of the templates:

  • Download the appropriate template
  • Open the template in a spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel
  • Fill in your driver data, observing any data validation prompts
  • Save the file as a CSV file


Step 2:

In Import Drivers panel, select fleet from drop down list.

Select file by clicking on Choose File, then click on Upload button.

Finally click on Save button to upload file.


If in case of any problems with Add Driver, Please contact Fleetly support team on [email protected]